Chair's message

I’m pleased to introduce the latest update from the Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme (the Scheme).

We’ve had another year of change and uncertainty. In the UK we’ve seen a new government and their first budget, which introduced new legislation, some of which will have an impact on pensions. At the time of writing much of the details were not yet fully understood and were going through a consultation period which finished in January 2025. As any details become clear or confirmed we will let you know any impact they may have.

The Trustee continues to work to ensure the stability of your pension and continues to monitor the Scheme’s investments closely and take any actions we feel necessary to protect members’ benefits.

Your annual benefit statement is now available. I encourage you to take a moment to login to your online pension account and review this important document. Your statement explains how much you have in your pension so far, what your pension might look like when you retire and what you could change to increase the value of your account. Go to to view your statement.

It's important to keep your personal details up to date so you don’t lose touch with your pension. The quickest and easiest way to do this is online. Alternatively, you can get in touch with the Scheme administrators using the contact details below:  

Tel: 0345 600 0591

Hanson Industrial Pension Scheme
Capita Pension Solutions
PO Box 555

Alternatively you can log in to and complete the ‘contact us’ form.

As you may know, the Scheme’s administrator, Capita, was subjected to a cyber incident in 2023. Although we’re not aware of any resultant fraudulent activity to date, we decided to extend the credit and internet monitoring services via Experian, for a further 24 months for affected members. Experian are one of the UK’s leading credit reference agencies. For those who’ve not signed up for this previously, this service will alert you to any suspicious activity which might affect you. 

And finally, you may be aware that there is another pension scheme within the Heidelberg Materials Group called the No. 2 Pension Scheme. The Trustee and Heidelberg Materials have made the decision to merge this scheme into the HIPS Defined Benefit Scheme. This does not impact the HIPS Defined Contribution Scheme or your benefits within it, but we wanted to make you aware of this change.


Mike Smaje
Chair, HIPS Trustee Board